
Podcast 2018

Podcast 2018

Got a few new podcast(s) I've added to the list since the last post! New to the dial is RBG Fit Club Podcast with stic.man of dead prez and Afya Ibomu. Its a fresh perspective on healthy living from one of my top 5 all time favorite eMCees and Afya Ibomu, someone I look forward to learning from when it comes to health & wellness! Love the format, perfect for the gym, and it includes action items to add to your daily grind to take care of yourselves. I don't rock with iTunes like that but if you're looking for a platform to tune into this podcast check out the Castbox site click here. This is bringing a voice to the Fit Hop chamber of Hip Hop culture.

In addition I added the Talkitecture Podcast featuring the Talkitects crew which you can find on my preferred platform Soundcloud click here. I heard about them reflecting on Combat Jack one day. It became a weekly routine over the past two years to check in with the Combat Jack Show. So going back to the Combat's Soundcloud link one day I discovered that someone was sharing a program under the username talkitecturepod and it turned out to be Combat Jack Show family Dallas Penn, A-King, and several voices I'm being introduced to for the first time. I hear Combat's voice every time I tune in, especially going back and forth with the Premium Pete Show Podcast.

Look forward to the new year though we're half way into it already hope to keep documenting. If anything Tape Decks is a bookmark I use for where I'm trying to go to start, continue, or end my day when it comes to the listening.