
Tape Decks Archive CD #soulfreedom

soulfreedom by Jazzman Records
Tape Decks Archive CD🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝

Hosted a program called Soul Session during the #radiodayz also a time I'd discover sites like Dusty Groove that I'd check for the latest compilations to explore. Picked this one up on CD. A gem to dig through learning about so many unfamiliar names to me. Digging past the track into Ray & His Court's story today. You can learn more about the Jazzman Records incredible story online. Look them up @jazzmanrecords!


State of College Radio (Muting the airwaves)

A big part of this blog's story is my history on college radio between the years of 2000 and 2008 at New Mexico State University's student run college radio station KRUX 91.5FM. During those eight years I got the chance to work my way into administrative positions while hosting my own radio show. This included roles such as archives manager and Hip Hop program director. We're more than ten years removed from our time time spent in the radio booth which rivaled the time spent on course work and our responsibilities related to part time jobs and anything and everything else on a college student's day to day. Definitely lost a lot of sleep, often times barely sleeping at all over the course of a 48 hour period just to get in my time on air. I can't say I've heard student run college radio as we knew it back then in quite a long time. With an exception to when I've dropped in on a friend's program, its been a minute since I've actively tuned in to hear a specific time slot. It didn't occur to me how much has changed until I had an eMCee that I found out about through college radio in my day speak on it on a recent interview segment with an eMCee out of Buffalo, NY. Doing a Google search I was surprised to find out about all the changes going on nation wide when it comes to college radio. I plan on sharing articles I'm finding here under the tag State of College Radio. I can't imagine a college experience without college radio, so here's to a hope that spaces for student's to find their voice will still exist in the years ahead. Peace!

Since 2000 #repshow915 #kruxlife #radiodayz #soulsession #rawkshop


Muting the airwaves: As colleges sell off their radio stations, student deejays grapple with their identities in the digital age Full article: click here by Jenna Spoont

“Even a student without a voice needs a microphone to be heard sometimes,” Spielmaker said. “If you want to take over a college radio station, please talk to the students. Students can make decisions on what’s best for us, our education, our future.”